StarPath Nitor is a first of its kind “hot-melt” material that provides the market with a drop-in solution for glow-based line marking and can easily replace existing white or yellow “lane” lines with a safer alternative for night-time bikers, walkers and drivers. Supplied in a powder form, StarPath Nitor can be applied using traditional hot-melt application methods.
StarPath Nitor is a 100% solid material, made up of a mixture of glass beads, pigments, and fillers, which are held together with specialty polymers. It’s also free from any solvents and, therefore, an environmentally and user-safe compound.
StarPath Nitor
Why consider StarPath Nitor?
StarPath Nitor
Eco friendly No artificial lighting
Zero light pollution Can be used on any hard surfaced path or roadway
How does Nitor enhance safety?
StarPath Nitor
Wayfinding at night
Clear nighttime lane delineation for multi-use pathways
Arrow and stencil based picture guidance
How does Nitor benefit from being a Hot-Melt material?
StarPath Nitor
Use in existing Hot-Melt equipment
Glass beads are used in the same manner as current white and yellow lines
Provided in powder form